Wiki source code of Kodner2015

Version 2.3 by ShirKodner on 2015/02/21 11:40

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ShirKodner 2.2 1 [[image:shir.jpg||style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; line-height: 19.6000003814697px; text-align: start;"]]
ShirKodner 1.1 2
ShirKodner 2.2 3
4 **__About me:__**
ShirKodner 1.1 6 As a lawyer working in the high-tech field, I spend my days advising cutting edge technology companies about intellectual property and internet law matters, such as software licensing, open source, privacy, copyrights and e-Commerce. I feel genuinely lucky to be practicing in the ever-changing field of technology law and transactional IP, and engaging with entrepreneurs and start-ups to offer a legal perspective in the early stages of product development. I love working with creative people, trying to come up with out of the box solutions for the different challenges start-ups face.
10 A geek at heart and proud of it, my interest in collaborative technologies goes a long way back. I have a masters degree from Stanford Law School for Law, Science & Technology. While living there, experiencing the Silicon Valley first hand, I joined the Stanford Law and Technology Association and served as a research assistant at Stanford University’s Center for Internet and Society. I later worked at SurveyMonkey, a great high-tech company based in Palo Alto, and published legal articles in several European law journals on different issues regarding Intellectual Property and technology regulation. I’m currently a member of the Internet Society (ISoc).
ShirKodner 2.2 13 **__Why I wish to be elected:__**
ShirKodner 1.1 14
16 I regularly advise companies, including publicly traded companies on the NASDAQ, about their open source policies and practice, creating business models based on open source products, the release of code to the community under open source licenses, and more. I also assist venture capital funds identify and assess the potential risks and advantages in a target company’s open source practice.
ShirKodner 2.3 20 In the unregulated field of open source (and justly so), big companies are the ones setting industry standards, and I believe the OSI should take a leading part in this effort. For example, collaborate with an initiatives as the [[TODO Project>>url:]] led by Facebook, to represent the independent developers’ community in order to raise the bar on the quality of open-source software projects while addressing the challenges that companies have in consuming open source software. I’m very passionate about what I do and it will be a privilege to bring my enthusiasm and skills to work as a member of the OSI board.
ShirKodner 2.2 21
23 Thanks for reading. **Please feel free to contact me on any issue.**

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