Last modified by FabioBalli on 2020/03/02 23:12

From version 12.5
edited by FabioBalli
on 2020/02/27 21:38
Change comment: Edited comment 1
To version 12.4
edited by FabioBalli
on 2020/02/27 21:36
Change comment: Edited comment 1



... ... @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
6 6  1. For me, both are needed. A team profile of the board could enable its members to know their complementarities, and who likes to do what. My strength is more in implementing disruptive changes.
7 7  1. What would you suggest? :) I would advocate for a strategy that is collectively defined by the board, or by all members.
8 8  1. OSI can help achieve societal challenges, if we develop open collaboration between members and beyond (libre and open-source software, open hardware, open knowledge, participatory research, social economy, etc).
9 -1. I find this should be discussed by the board, or by all members. Maintaining a constructive dialogue with other organizations is essential, even if we have different mindsets and values.
9 +1. I find this should be discussed by the board, or by all members. I find keeping a constructive dialogue with other organizations is essential, even if we have different mindsets and values.
10 10  
11 11  Best,