Wiki source code of Kraft2020

Last modified by GeorgeKraft on 2020/03/05 22:48

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1 I strongly believe in the stewardship of "open source" and "open standards", and I would like to continue my community contribution as a board member of OSI.
3 I have over thirty years of Unix/Linux operating system expertise where I have been an author, inventor, open source contributor and leader, and a Texas licensed Professional Engineer in the field of Software Engineering. I've worked at Purdue University, Texas Instruments, IBM, and now at Dell Technologies as a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff. I made my first open source contribution thirty years ago to [[X11R4>>url:]]. I'm the original author of [[groupmems >>url:]]in the shadow password package. I was the chairman of the [[Linux Standard Base>>url:]] (LSB) that made [["Linux" an ISO standard>>url:]] so that DISA and other [[government agencies could use it>>url:]]. I was a co-founder of the Free Standards Group which is now the Linux Foundation. I was a member of [[>>url:]], [[>>url:]], and a staff member of the CAD Framework Initiative ( standards body which is now [[Silicon Integration Initiative>>url:]] ( I believe that my community open source and open standards experiences make me a good candidate to be a board member of OSI.
5 George Kraft, P.E. (aka "gk4")
7 [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]]

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