
Last modified by Thierry Carrez on 2021/10/28 16:02

Live Meeting Notes: June 25th, 2021

Call in information:


Quorum reached and meeting called to order at 15:02 UTC.


Board Members

Chris Lamb

Deborah Bryant

Faidon Liambotis

Italo Vignoli

Josh Simmons

Megan Byrd-Sanicky

Tracy Hinds

Hong Phuc Dang (as of 15:15 UTC) 

Pamela Chestek (as of 15:15 UTC)


Deb Nicholson

Joe Murray (16:30 UTC - ... UTC)

Expected, but Not Present


Josh mentioned to approve, Chris second

Approve minutes from last time (2 minutes)


Vote: yes; 5 no;abstain 2


Staffing update (Megan) 10 minutes

- 185 applications! 

- We screened, Deb B. created a rubric for scoring

- We had 3 final round candidates to interview

- One has dropped out and we interviewed the other two

- But one candidate really stood out as far as context and vision

- We have one more conversation to hold and then will decide about making an offer

Fundraising update (Tracy & Deb) 5 minutes

- Going well, sponsor page is being updated

VOTE: Legacy Approval: Zope Public License v2.1 (Pam) 5 minutes


This is now a reusable license and the old one is deprecated

Chris moves that it is the opinion of the OSI that the Zope Public License (ZPL) Version 2.1 conforms to the OSD and assures software freedom and that the license be approved as an Open Source Initiative Certified license in the category of Licenses That Are Redundant With More Popular Licenses. Further, the Zope Public License Version 2.0 will be moved to the Superseded Licenses category.

Pam seconds

Motion unanimously carried. 

VOTE: Ritchey Permissive License v11 (Pam) 5 minutes


Deb moves, Resolved that it is the opinion of the OSI that the Ritchey Permissive License v11 does not conform to the OSD and assure software freedom and the license is therefore not approved as an Open Source Initiative Certified license.

Pam seconds

Motion carries unanimously.

Are there ways for us to better highlight how supportive our process is?

Better tooling might help

BREAK (25 minutes for reading and bio, etc.)

Election Update discussion - document coming (20 minutes)

Josh set some context for the discussion and then we will hear from the Oversight Committee

Time for Q&A with our consultant (30 minutes) 

Next Board Meeting

The next OSI board meeting is scheduled for... July 16th

Our next face to face will be scheduled after new ED is onboard

Meeting adjourned at... 16:15 UTC


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