Luis Antonio Galindo Castro

Last modified by Administrator on 2016/04/05 11:27

He is convinced that education can make changes in people and that FLOSS is a role model.

Luis Antonio Galindo has been interested in Open-source Technology since a very young age. He
currently works for Enova as a Sub-manager of the TI and FOSS Consultancy department. Luis
Antonio is in charge of Planning and Implementing Tools for the Administration and Better Practices
at large scale ( For him, Better Practices imply to know where the information is. To locate it he
serves himself with holistic approach to pinpoint details, drivers and barriers which might be blocking
the information flow.

Luis Antonio tries to keep himself updated by attending seminars, workshops, and congresses. As a
lecturer he has been to:
• LinuxCon Brazil 2010: August 2010, Virtualization of a HA WEB Server with KVM.
• V Foro Mundial de Conocimiento Libre ∫ V World Forum for Free Knowledge (Puerto
Ordaz, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela): November de 2007, Development and Implementation of
software tools to aid the salvage of minority languages.

His work also finds echo in his own country of origin, Mexico. Luis Antonio has lectured in the
following events:
• Ciclo de conferencias organized by COMECyT ∫ Seminar, Lectures on The Other
Technologies: Las Otras Tecnologías de la Información. (Toluca, Estado de México): March
• Festival de Software Libre 2010 ∫ Software Libre Festival 2010 (Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco):
November 2010, Workshop “Automatizations with Perl”.
• SECO3, Seminario Construcción Colaborativa del Conocimiento ∫ Knowledge
Collaborative Construct (video conference): June 2009, “Equipos de Desarrollo y Traducción
de Herramientas para
Revaloración de la Cultura Tradicional” / “ Developmental
Teams for Translation tolos to reassess Traditional Culture”
• IV Encuentro en Línea de Educación y Software Libre, EDUSOL 2008 ∫ IV Online
Gathering of Education and Software Libre: November 2008, Vídeo conferencia
“Experiencias de traducción de software libre a lenguas indígenas”

His interest to share, to create functioning social networks which use technology as power drivers,
has driven him to organize different events such as:
• FliSol 2011 (Texcoco, Estado de México); April 2011. Role: Speaker and Lecturer.
• FliSol 2010 (Toluca, Estado de México); April 2010. Role: Speaker and Lecturer.

Luis Antonio Galindo is a fine example of a man who believes in freedom, in sharing and in
constructing knowledge by being amongst peers and others.

Why am I doing this

Because in my years of professional life FLOSS has always made me learn many ways of doing things,

that has allowed me to share and create knowledge with other people, because I am convinced that

learning needs to be shared and FLOSS make it possible.




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