Wiki source code of Charles-H. Schulz

Last modified by FrankMatranga on 2019/03/05 00:58

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1 [[image:charles_blackcoat2010.jpg||alt="charles_blackcoat.jpg" height="304" width="220"]]
3 **About me**
4 \\Charles-H. Schulz (The "H" letter standing for his second name “Henri”) is a French technologist, Free Software and Open Standards advocate. As a long time contributor to the project he helped grow its community from a few mostly european communities to over a hundred communities and teams of various sizes. He also contributed to the development and adoption of the OpenDocument Format standard through the company he co-founded, Ars Aperta. A former director of the OASIS Consortium he has engaged in various digital public policy debates at the European level. Charles-H. Schulz is a founding member and one of the former directors of the Document Foundation, home of the LibreOffice project. He currently works at the French national cybersecurity agency, [[ANSSI>>url:]]. Being involved in several Open Source projects, he is nowadays serving as a director of the [[Open Information Security Foundation>>url:]], home of the [[Suricata IDS project>>url:]].
5 \\In my spare time I usually spend time with my family and friends. I love reading, good food and drinks. More details may be found here You may contact me on Twitter, Linkedin, and by email (I have some rather public email aliases).
6 \\[[Twitter>>url:]] | My minimal [[GitHub>>url:]] page | [[LinkedIn>>url:]] | My personal page and unmaintained blog, [[Moved by Freedom - Powered by Standards>>url:]].
7 \\**Why I'm running**
8 \\I have been involved in Free and Open Source Software projects for a long time (roughly since 2001). While some questions pertaining to FOSS licensing as well as the importance of software freedom and openness have always been of interest to me, I was working on specific projects or even specific advocacy campaigns. This time, I would like to bring my experience of someone who has been involved both as a contributor to Open Source projects and as a public policy expert to the OSI.
9 \\**Some ideas and a few proposals for the Open Source Initiative:**
10 \\Open Source Software is standing at crossroads. In many ways it has "won" in the sense that Open Source Software is everywhere. The importance and prevalence of entire Open Source Software stacks (LAMP, Docker + Kubernetes, etc.) cannot be overstated. Open Source Software has even become the de facto, default development model, judging by platforms such as Github or Gitlab. But how many of the developers contributing code on these platforms truly understand the challenges of software freedom and open source licensing? Very few of them, many believe. More to the point, Open Source is either seen as something which is easy and obvious, which is certainly a good thing, but it can also be seen as a nice label some can wash their own licensing with despite not distributing their software under a true Open Source license nor encouraging the participation of a developer community working with them.
11 \\We, the Open Source Initiative, should raise the awareness of Open Source principles both among the broad developer community and across many other industries.
12 \\//Here are a few ideas that we could work on in order to achieve these goals~://\\
14 * Increase the individual and affiliate membership of the OSI
15 * Work with code development platforms (GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket and others) to educate developers about Open Source and its licenses
16 * Increase the participation of the community in the productions and actions of the Open Source Initiative
17 * Increase the advocacy and defense of Open Source principles, licenses and software freedom through public policy initiatives, standardization bodies, etc.
20 \\\\\\

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