Last modified by Allison Randal on 2016/04/05 11:27

  • Patrick Masson
    Patrick Masson, 2014/03/22 02:39

    Many of the efforts underway within the OSI (e.g. committee work, operation, working groups) require direct participation by Board members. I was wondering about what level of participation you will be able to provide and how your time might be best spent?

    • ChrisAniszczyk
      ChrisAniszczyk, 2014/03/31 22:11

      Sorry I didn't notice your commentary before Patrick (never got an email from xwiki).

      In terms of what level of participation, I would be able commit as much as needed to push any interesting projects through and what is required of a board member (e.g., attend monthly meetings). For example, I'd envision creating a board level committee to discuss corporate outreach and commit enough time to see that through. Basically, I'd spend my time on what I think would give the OSI the most impact after gaining consensus on what we should do emoticon_smile

  • HusseinAlOlimat
    HusseinAlOlimat, 2014/03/27 02:12

    Excellent agenda Chris, so many people are afraid of saying that data is actually part of the open community and what OSI is actually striving to do. I personally thank you for your effort in this area, it is because of people like you we have a more advanced data mining and machine learning researches and products.

    • ChrisAniszczyk
      ChrisAniszczyk, 2014/03/31 22:13

      Thank you for your comments. I agree that data is going to play a huge part of the open source community, especially as in the future more data is available and companies look ways to share and build communities with that data. I believe the OSI should have a part in that story.

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