Fabio Balli - 2020 election

Version 12.2 by LuisVilla on 2020/02/27 18:43

a_new_economy_test.jpgDear OSI colleagues,

Libre and open-source technologies can help us achieve decent and healthy life for everyone.

This is why I am very glad to host the Open Village, a series of activities to promote open hardware for health, as part of the Geneva Health Forum and Open Geneva this March.

This builds on Breathing Games, a commons to make respiratory health fun, by collectively creating games for children with asthma, teens with cystic fibrosis, and elders affected by air polution and smoking (COPD).

I would be glad to join the OSI board with this mindset, and help open-source communities cooperate meaningfully for the benefit of all. :-)

A bit about me: I am 37, and live frugally, six months in Canada, and six months in Europe and Asia. I intervened for ten years in leading organizations before founding Breathing Games. I hold a Master of Advanced Studies in Human Systems Engineering, and am affiliated to Concordia University in Montreal.

Ich spreche Deutsch. Parlo italiano. Je parle français. Hablo español (un poco).

Feel welcome to contact me via www.fabioballi.net. :-D

Picture: a child testing our game and device at Sensorica. Excerpt from the documentary A new economy.