
Version 7.1 by Wm Salt Hale on 2021/03/04 02:28

Hello, I'm Salt, here, there, everywhere! Below is a brief introduction and case for why you should consider me for the OSI board, during the 2021 election cycle.

Why I am running

The OSI is a leading voice when it comes to the conversation surrounding free/libre/open culture and values. It is currently at a point of inflection, transitioning from an (almost) entirely volunteer-driven organization, to one with an Executive Director and paid staff.

At a time like this, it is crucial to maintain a connection to the grassroots community efforts that made today's open source landscape possible. Whatsmore, during these unsettled times, there are opportunities to draw a course towards an even brighter future.

Over the past half-decade or so, I have become more and more interested in the policies surrounding technology. During this pursuit, there have been numerous signs of a rising public awareness regarding the struggles surrounding open ideals.

Addressing these policies is a wicked problem, and one that will impact all of us. The OSI has both the history and gravity to further engage with this conversation. I would lend my time and energy to these efforts in the hopes that it does so, while considering the widest spectrum of supporters.

What I bring to the OSI

My background and interest has mostly extended from the daily use of Linux-based systems since 1996. Growing up with the open, but connected, model, has shaped my world view, and I want to bring that perspective to the OSI.

Additionally, I have quite a bit of experience facilitating and participating in community discussions. Over the past 15 years, I have been a core organizer of: conferences, FLOSS projects, hackerspaces, LUGs, start-ups, and even a university sailing club.

Among those endeavors, and others, I have honed the skills, and learned the value of, listening, processing, combining, so that details can emerge which would otherwise be missed.

Bringing this attention to the OSI during such a pivotal moment is an opportunity that does not come around every day. It would be an honor to help with the transition and progression towards a more open world.

Additional Details

Beyond what I've mentioned above, here is the tagline which I have been using for some time:

/?/ Kilted Globetrotter,
Free/Libre/Open Advocate,
and Lifelong Hacker /?

More information, including links to various profiles around the Internet, can be found on my website:

Wm Salt Hale, 2021 Affiliate Board Candidate

Thank You for your time and consideration!


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