Wiki source code of Hong Phuc Dang, 2019

Version 4.1 by Hong Phuc Dang on 2019/02/21 19:29

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1 My name is Hong Phuc Dang or ‘hpdang’ in short. I am originally from Vietnam, I currently live in Berlin and travel regularly to Asia (Singapore, Vietnam, India, China). I got into Free and Open Source while I was in university and loved to participate in the community meeting Internationals from all over the world. Inspired by many communities, I founded [[FOSSASIA>>url:]] with the goal to bring together a community of contributors across borders and ages to form a better future with Open Source technologies in 2009.
3 I organize community events, developer summits, and code-camps throughout the year [[across Asia>>url:]]. Together with my team at FOSSASIA, I train thousands of young developers each year through our [[offline workshops at universities>>url:]] and online coding contests like [[Codeheat>>url:]].
5 I am a collaborator of [[eventyay>>url:]] - an open source event management system, which is still under heavy development and [[SUSI.AI>>url:]], our open source personal assistant framework. I also worked with the Libregraphics and Fashion tech community, where I organized Open Design Weeks and gave talks like at the 31C3 Chaos Computer Congress.
7 Because of my work with development corporations and the UNESCO I was featured in a study of Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development Germany on [[Women’s Pathways to the Digital Sector: Stories of Opportunities and Challenges>>url:]].
9 Apart from my work with the community I support companies with development services, research and advising them on collaboration strategies with the Free Software and Open Source community. My main clients include postal corporations, leading car manufacturers and startup accelerators.
11 I love and enjoy what I am doing. I can stay up until 2 - 3 am to discuss with developers from other continents and still be happy.
13 I speak Vietnamese, English and Chinese and I am also learning German. I enjoy teaching and sharing Open Source with people from all backgrounds: Young students to working adults and elderly. I visited over 100 hackerspaces around the world. My favorite thing to do when I am not working is swimming, traveling and learning languages. I also enjoy setting up wifi networks with friends. I hosted many FOSS contributors in the eco-hotel I founded in my hometown in the Mekong Delta and I am always excited to make new friends in the community and welcome them.
16 === Why am I a suitable candidate? ===
18 * I worked with thousands of people in Asia who improved their live by contributing and using Free/Open Source.
19 * I am a bridge between Open Source contributors in Asia and the rest of the world.
20 * I am representing women in tech.
21 * I am very well-connected and super resourceful (quoted by friends and partners).
22 * I am friendly and collaborative.
23 * I have experience working with community participants as well as corporate partners and NGOs and will use my knowledge to the benefit of the organization.
25 === What is my agenda? ===
27 * Help OSI to increase its footprint in Asia and Europe.
28 * Introduce OSI to companies around the world.
29 * Help to recruit new members and partners.
30 * Work together with the core team to overhaul OSI’s web presence
31 * Work together with volunteers to design OSI materials and translate them into at least 10 languages within one year.
32 * Work with the board to increase OSI’s presence.
33 * Represent OSI in events and engage underrepresented contributors in OSI for example from China.
35 === Contact ===
37 Reach me via
39 [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]]
41 [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]]
43 [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]]
45 \\

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