Affiliate Membership Qualifications and Criteria

Version 3.1 by Patrick Masson on 2014/10/29 17:43

The OSI recognizes three types of organizations as elegible for OSI Affiliate Membership: non-profit organizations, educational institutions and user communities.

Non-Profit Organizations


Please provide references for...

  1. Currently recognized as a (or application submitted for) non-profit / not-for-profit (or equivalent) by the national government were organized.
  2. Mission statement describing purpose and goals.
  3. Documentation formalizing organization, e.g. by-laws.
  4. Publicly available release of a product or service.
  5. Use of an OSI approved open source license (software development projects only).
  6. Documented approach for participation by the public.
  7. An active community:
    1. Methods for current and interested individuals/organizations to join and participate in your community
    2. Active participation from multiple contributors, i.e. individuals and organizations other than founders (contributions may be other than programming/technology)


  1. OSI Agreement has been signed and submitted.
  2. Cover letter including
    1. interest in Affiliation;
    2. proof of qualification.

Educational Institutions



User Communities




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